
A recent poll found that 60% of Americans believe gas and oil companies are to blame for the climate crisis. The poll, commissioned by The Guardian, Vice News and Covering Climate Now, sought Americans’ views on the climate issue. The poll asked Americans from different social, political and ethnic groups their opinion on specific climate issues.

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According to the poll results released on Tuesday, the U.S. remains divided on the climate question. Some believe that the climate crisis is a real emergency that should be addressed, while others are still unsure about the matter. Despite a consensus among scientists that humans are causing the climate crisis, Americans have been misled for a long time by gas and oil companies to believe otherwise.

Related: 99.9% of scientists agree climate crisis is caused by humans

A recent study published in Nature found that 99.9% of scientists globally agree that the climate crisis is caused by burning fossil fuels. They also concur that climate change is caused by humans. However, due to years of false advertisements by gas and oil companies, many Americans believe there is a lack of consensus in the scientific community. With climate change being viewed politically rather than scientifically, Americans remain divided over it.

The recent poll found that 89% of Democrats accept the scientific basis for climate change, while only 42% of Republicans agree that global warming exists. Among the 1,000 American adults surveyed, 70% agree that global warming is happening, while over 60% say that oil and gas companies are responsible for it.

The findings come at a time when gas and oil companies are under pressure to pay for the damages caused by the industry. Several states and municipalities have opened lawsuits demanding pay from gas and oil companies. In the poll, 60% of respondents say that the industry should pay to improve infrastructure and make it resilient against climate change.

More than 80% of Democrats agree that global warming exists and point an accusing finger at gas and oil companies directly. This percentage is even higher among people of color and the youth.

Via The Guardian

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